Course info
English in Mind 9e / 10e / 11e
This special version of a popular international course has been carefully adapted for secondary schools in the Suisse romande under the auspices of CIIP (Conférence Intercantonale de l’Instruction Publique de la Suisse romande et du Tessin). English in Mind 9e / 10e / 11e are levels 3–5 of a five-level programme which takes students from 7th grade (Harmos) to the end of 11th grade. English in Mind follows on from MORE! 7e and 8e, used in the last two grades of primary school.
English in Mind
- combines engaging content with a strong focus on skills to get students communicating
- develops all skills (listening, reading, oral interaction, oral production and writing) in a systematic and balanced way
- contributes to students’ general education and to their knowledge of the world around them
- encourages students to take responsibility for their learning and develop effective learning strategies
- provides flexible material to cater to different numbers of teaching hours and to facilitate mixed ability teaching

- Student's Book
- Workbook
- Language Builder
- Teacher’s Resource Book
with Audio CDs - DVD-ROM*
- DVD*
- Presentation Plus*
- Interactive website
*Matériel de l'Enseignant
About this website

Student Zone
In the Student Zone, students can:
- play language games to consolidate their learning in each unit
- do extra interactive listening and reading activities, offered at two levels
- view EiMTV video episodes
- listen to and download the Workbook audio tracks
Teacher Zone
In the Teacher Zone, you can:
- find PDFs of the Student’s Book, Workbook and Language Builder for use on an IWB or projector in class
- download worksheets and extra communication activities for each unit
- download worksheets and teaching notes for the EiMTV episodes on the DVD
- listen to all the audio tracks from the Student’s Book and Workbook
- view or download PDF and Excel versions of the wordlist